The Texas Lobby Group is a full service lobbying and government relations firm that continues to earn incredible stature throughout the state lobby industry. Through our contacts with Texas’ public policy makers, we … Read More
Texas Political News

What is lobbying?
The term lobbying has been around since the 1800s and is said to have originated as a way to describe people who hung around the lobbies of government buildings hoping to curry favor or influence … [Read More...]

News for Texas Lobbyists: California Conservatives Moving to Texas
There is a movement afoot for conservative politicians, lobbyists and others to move to Texas. And why not? Our state is much friendlier for our right-leaning friends. So much so, that one person … [Read More...]

Texas News for Political Lobbyists: Texas 8th Grader Wins Geographic Bee
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Texas 8th Grader Wins National Geographic Bee An 8th grader from Texas with an extensive knowledge of rivers, mountains, borders, and culture, won the national spelling bee this year. Pranay Varada of Irving won the contest after a final battle … [Read More...]

Texas Political Lobbyist News: Election Update – May 28, 2014
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After a flurry of campaign commercials and (mostly negative) mail pieces, the primary run-off has come and gone. With the Election Day occurring on the Tuesday following the Memorial Day holiday (May 27), turnout was predictably low. Thunderstorms … [Read More...]

Red State Women announces female leadership panel to discuss the future of Texas
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Austin, TX - Red State Women is proud to announce our first panel discussion "Texas Women: a story of pride, independence and self-reliance." The May 20th luncheon will feature a panel discussion with Railroad Commissioner Christi Craddick, Texas … [Read More...]